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Nourish with Nutrition

Benefits of Good Nutrition

Most of us know what healthy eating is about: eating less fried food, using less sugar, balancing the amount of red meat, chicken, and fish we eat and including more fruits and vegetables to our daily diet.

When it comes to having good nutrition, however, too many of us don’t recognise all the benefits of good nutrition and some of the easy principles to apply to achieve this.

Good nutrition – the benefits:

· Reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, some cancers, and osteoporosis

· Reduce high blood pressure

· Lower high cholesterol

· Strengthen your immune system to fight off illness

· Support your mental well-being

· Delay the onset of ageing

· Weight Management

· Improve your ability to recover from illness or injury

· Increase your energy level

What is good nutrition?

Good nutrition means your body gets all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs to work to its best. To achieve this objective, you should plan your meals and snacks to include nutrient-dense foods that are also low in calories.

How to achieve good nutrition in your diet?

Each food group provides different nutrients and benefits, so eating a balanced diet that includes foods from all five groups is essential. These are the different food groups that you should keep in mind.

1. Whole grains - such as brown rice and bread are forms of carbohydrates, specifically

unrefined carbohydrates. They provide you with energy, healthy fibre, vitamins, minerals

and antioxidants, and aid with digestion.

2. Fruits and vegetables - To get the most nutrients out of your fruits and vegetables, eat them

whole – for example, eat whole fruits instead of having them juiced.

3. Protein - Protein is the primary nutrient responsible for building and repairing muscle tissue

in the body. Animal meat is the most common source of protein, but there are also several

plant-based options to choose from such as nuts and legumes.

4. Dairy - Foods like milk, yoghurt and cheese are great examples of dairy. Dairy products are

rich in important nutrients like calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A, D and B12.

5. Fat & Sugar – Dietary fat (such as the kind you get from fish and olive oil) is essential for good

health as they regulate cholesterol levels in your body while promoting healthy cell


Apart from eating foods from the above-mentioned food groups, there are three other healthy eating habits to maintain to keep your nutrition plan on point.

• Keep portion sizes regulated

Managing portion sizes is all about ensuring that you are getting the right amounts of nutrients and calories from your food. Over-eating or under-eating deprives you of nutrients and can affect your weight, so always regulate your meal portions. When buying food, check out the serving sizes on the nutrition labels to see what is determined to be a regular serving and how much it provides in terms of nutrients.

• Prioritise fresh food

Fresh, whole foods are the ones you will derive maximum nutritional benefits from. Always focus on foods in their purest, unprocessed form such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat when possible. If you choose processed alternatives, pick those that have undergone simple changes such as dehydration and flash freezing to minimise nutrient loss. Also, keep an eye on the ingredients list to ensure that you are consuming as little additives with your food as possible.

• Practice healthier seasoning habits

Consider moderating your salt intake with the use of herbs and spices to add a new dimension of flavour to your food. For example, basil, garlic, paprika and cayenne can turn an ordinary chicken breast into a gastronomical delight! Salt is the most common food seasoning used in cooking, but too much sodium can lead to high blood pressure and hypertension, particularly with those who are already susceptible to these conditions.


The Team

Setting Standards


CCSL has a number of quality assurance accreditations but they do not set our benchmarks. Our quality standards are far higher and we surpass industry best practice and best-in-class measures. In fact, best practices are where we start and we move upwards from there.


We undertake on-going quality control and evaluation of all of our operations to make certain that we meet and exceed the expectations of our clients.

Services That Go Further

Nutrition Matters

Nutrition Matters is a CCSL wellness programme designed to promote the importance of nutrition in the life of a working person.


It’s more than just informing our clients’ teams and workforces about the importance of good diet and health. It’s about designing menus that bring variety without compromising goodness. With the right facts and access to delicious, affordable, healthy food, your staff can make informed choices and bring balance to their lives.



For over 32 years CCSL has been feeding companies and bringing healthy food to workplaces across Ireland. With a combination of the best local produce, talented chefs, technology and innovative thinking we bring you an award-winning suite of services.


Every day we prove that good nutrition makes for happier employees which, in turn, brings improved productivity. Now we’d like to prove it to you.


The CSSL team is made of the best and most experienced people in the industry. But we’re growing and we’re looking for bright, talented innovators to join us as we feed the nation’s workforce with heathy, nutritious, delicious fresh food.


Send in your CV and we’ll get right back to you.

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